I R In Your Webserverz Eating Your megabytz

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I R In Your Webserverz Eating Your megabytz

Post by evilgangsta »

Well now ive been to a whole two llamalan's I should probably Introduce myself
Im Evilgangsta aka Rohan
the gamertag I have had since I first started gaming and people just called me gangsta as I used to listen to nothing but cypress hill and public enemy, as time has gone on I have just got too lazy to think of another name.

A bit about me
Im 26 I work as a analyst programmer (writing c#,vb.net and a bit of java for any sad freaks like me that might be interested) I got married last year to my long term girlfriend Steph most of my gaming time is spent playing WOW with my wife.

In April Steph gave birth to our first baby he is called Theo and hopefully he will be attending LLamaLans in the not too distant future maybe ll30 or something.

My gaming history is mostly full of various fps games, with most time over the years being spent on the original UT and The BF1942 mod Desert Combat, I discovered Llamalan through my good friend onionstar who I have been attending weekly lans in Kent with for almost 10 years.

Anyhew thanks for reading and thanks to all the regulars for making all us noobs feel welcome.
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Re: I R In Your Webserverz Eating Your megabytz

Post by Wufflez »

Are there any regular lans going on in Kent atm? LL is good but if there's any that are more regular (eg single evening ones), then it'd be cool to check em out.
All your strokes are belong to Wuff.
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