LlamaLAN 14 Event Videos

October 29th - 31st 2010
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LlamaLAN 14 Event Videos

Post by Golem »

Okay so I ran out of time and was unable to finish our multiple endings in time. :( Mildly irritating, but it won't be much longer, hopefully ;) Look here in the near future for links to the finale, and we'll play it on the big projection at next LAN's first day.

But here's what was played on Friday and Saturday consecutively. :)

ALL available in 720p HD mode. Watch on youtube on the highest quality setting to get the most out of these vids. :)

Friday: Kicking things off in the Dome!
Saturday: After announcing the TF2 results, the scores so far, and before the DIPRIP games!

Finale coming soon...
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