Green Team Shuffle?

April 15th - 18th 2011
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Green Team Shuffle?

Post by CyberDrac »

We have two very late arrivals to the LlamaLAN fold and to the Green Team, so welcome Linkz and Colonel Krunk!

Whilst we appreciate that one of the benefits of early payment is to select the seat of preference and to hang on to it doggedly, I'm sure that they would be very appreciative of anyone able to shuffle slightly (I'm looking at MazGhost/Golem/Yazor, but equally there may be other combinations of people who could make space).

Equally someone on the blue team might like the idea of a defection to green or red (since I understand Andy can no longer make it) and free up a space there?

So, who's feeling generous and mobile?

Thank you for your consideration.
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Golem »

Hehe yes I've been looking at this too, excellent to have so many new llamas join us this time round. It's gonna be a mega event. :D

Some sort of shuffle about would be helpful on many fronts as rachey dawdled too long and forgot to actually get her place on Green! :roll: If Krunk and Linkz wanna stick together then either idea works for everyone - if someone from blue goes red, they can take the remaining blue spots and she can nab herself the seat she should have nabbed ages ago? :roll: Equally, this will resolve if someone on blue defects to our mean greenies and leaves two spots free in Blue!

I guess when the hall is stuffed full (is this a first time for us 2 weeks before the event?) this sort of attempt to reorganise to give everyone the best possible outcome is inevitable!
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Sykodelika »

Gotta admit I'm dissapointed...I saw the title of the thread and thought I would see news of a choreographed welcome dance from green :(

Can has dance? *hopeful*
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Golem »

Sykodelika wrote:Gotta admit I'm dissapointed...I saw the title of the thread and thought I would see news of a choreographed welcome dance from green :(

Can has dance? *hopeful*

If this all gets resolved... I'll see if I can work my magic on my loyal subjects :mrgreen: :mrgreen: If going with one of CD's ideas, send over one of your Cool Blues. We'll look after them, promise. We have jammie dodgers. 8)
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by CyberDrac »

If KF is correct and Andy isn't going then a Ninja Admin can drop him from the red team allowing someone to migrate from Blue to Red, Rachey to move from Blue to Green, and Linkz and Colonel Klunk to move to Blue ... it leaves Green short by one ... but I think the other three teams can live with that ;)

So, who on blue fancies improving their odds of winning by moving to the red team, we'll equally need a bunch of blues shuffling around if the person moving to Red is anyone other than Dieago or Danny.
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Golem »

Surely all possible but let all those involved in this shuffle have their say first :) (unless CD spakath on behalf of Krunk and Linkz)
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by CyberDrac »

Well, they have expressed the wish to sit together if possible, if everyone else is OK with the shuffle then I'm sure we can proceed ... the people we would be waiting on are the candidates for desertion on the Blue team
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by CyberDrac »

I've just spoken to Colonel Krunk who is appreciative of everyone's efforts and seems happy with any solution which ends up with them sat together.
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Kanonfodda »

unless someone on the green team is happy to just swap seats, rather then making people swap teams ;)
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by rachey »

Don't worry Jen, I think I know just the dance !!! ;)

I'm not slooow I'm just indecisive!! Don't give a girl too many options or this is what happens!!!! :P
But yes, if possible to rearrange which leaves a spot open on green for me :fadein:

and if Green has me and is one short... they aren't really short as IM AMAZING! hahahahaha....
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by LinkZ »

Hi everyone,

Echoing what Krunk has said, we'd be very appreciative of anyone who would be willing to make a switch so we can sit next to each other, and of course get rachey on her beloved green team :D

Looking forward to seeing you all there.
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Colonel Krunk »

Hello chaps,

Hope our request hasn't caused any issues. Our joining was a tad last minute but we would be incredibly grateful if anyone can swap so that Linkz and I can sit next to eachother.

Also one last thing... how many of you would be up for a few rounds of Bad Company 2 at the event?

Kind regards,

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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Golem »

Nah it's okay fella, some people need to make decisions faster that's all ;)

As she's keen on green the ideal would be if one other cool blue is willing to black hole themselves to eventually ally to Red (if Andy isn't coming??) or join the experience that is Green! Freeing two spaces in Blue for you guys! Is anyone willing and able to be... The One? :o
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by Kanonfodda »

I've PM'd andy to find out if he is coming or not. Might I suggest a mention of this in the next mailer to go out, to bring it to peoples attention. I know not everyone reads the forums ;)
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Re: Green Team Shuffle?

Post by CyberDrac »

OK, there are two spaces next to each other on blue team ... go! Go! GO! Colonel Krunk and Linkz.

Did Dieago deliberately go spectator or was it accidental while trying to free to a seat?
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