Help is always appreciated =D

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Help is always appreciated =D

Post by chrisakira »

Ok guys n gals, serious time.

I am considerin organising a 24 hour gaming livestream to raise money for Special Effect, a gaming based charity who work to give disabled people of all ages the opportunity to play video games, both for enjoyment and to help improve their quality of life. Before starting to organise things and get in touch with them, I was wondering how many of you lovely people would be willing to donate ANY amount? As the well known saying goes, Every Little Helps =D

The charity does some amazing work, i have seen them at the Eurogamer Expo in London the last 2 years and they have had a PC using Kinect running Trackmania, a game we all know and love. The catch is that the only way to control the car is with your eye movements, no hands, no pedals, just your eyes. For us it sounds hilarious, and it is =P but for some people this is the only movement they have and the ability to still be able to enjoy games in that kind of situation is truly awesome.

All donations would go to the charity, unless donaters specified other percentage splits, with a running total being kept through the length of the stream so everyone knows where we stand. I wanna get a rough idea before getting in touch with the charity so I know whether it'll be worth the time for them.

i'm aware some of you have already commented on the facebook post which is awesome, but i also know not everyone uses facebook so figured i would post here aswell =D

Let me know people :-)

Special Effect :

Livestream :

Facebook :


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Re: Help is always appreciated =D

Post by Kanonfodda »

As I posted on Facebook, me and Jen are up to sponsor you :)
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Re: Help is always appreciated =D

Post by chrisakira »

ok guys n gals, date is set for the 24 hour stream to try and raise some cash for Special Effect.

The stream will start at 10am UK time on the 22nd April. I have made an event for it on facebook as well as a pitch in donation box which can be accessed directly from

alternatively go to

scroll down and there will be the HTML based donation button which takes you to the same place.

now comes the hard part, building interest for donations and the actual 24 hour cast itself.

i would mahoosively appreciate it if you guys could share my facebook posts to as many places as possible where you think people might be interested in watching/donating. i'm going to try as hard as i can myself but that will only get me so far =D

and now the countdown begins =D


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Re: Help is always appreciated =D

Post by Twysta »

Not sure if I'll be able to catch teh stream.
But I'll def try chip in some pennies mate!
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Re: Help is always appreciated =D

Post by chrisakira »

ok guys n gals, in prep for the big stream this post will include both of the useful links you'll need =D

Livestream event -

Donation page -

share this as much as possible and lets get the ball rolling =D


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