Gonna have to work next weekend, as there's no cover for me =/
Just an FYI, but unless my boss gets another driver to cover next weekend, I gotta work, and I seriously cba running back and forth all over medway and swalebetween work and the lan, not if the weather is all hot still =/
Anyway, I'll let you all know on Thursday ish if there's any change, but atm I'm not coming. BLEH!
Now hold up, I was hoping for this grand unveiling of your secret transportation plans, AS per the random quote to my left (which may have changed by the time you reappear). Get Wufflez drunk, prise out of him his grand scheme - that was the plan. And now you're telling me you're not even going to be at the LAN?
What next, the world runs out of chocolate next weekend too?!