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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:30 pm
by BlackVelvet
and anyway isnt that kinda defeating the point of a LAN event Buzz? lol

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:24 pm
by amitk
Hello... will there be internet access at the event or will there a hotspot in range of the venue? i dont think i could stand being 2 days without the interweb!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:50 pm
by CyberDrac
I'm afriad you'll just have to sweat it out ... we have tried to get an internet connection to this venue on serval occasions, but we can't event get acces to a BT line to hook up a modem to an 0800 dialup number. We were also investigating cable, but becuase the venue refused to allow a cable to be run (but not connected) at the time the rest of the street was done it would cost a fortune to have it done now. We haven't detected any WiFi hotspots nearby but in the last 6 months that may have changed. I use my 3G phone for emergency authing of Steam and little things like that, but on the whole there is no internet connection. Sorry ... we did try ... repeatedly :(


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:15 pm
by Buzz
BlackVelvet wrote:and anyway isnt that kinda defeating the point of a LAN event Buzz? lol
Just a different kind of network thats all:P

And CD no wifi nearby... mmmmm a challenge lmfao

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:32 pm
by amitk
oh kk... maybe i'll make a cantenna or something and use that. maybe it'll pick up some network... other wise, oh well, i think lanage will make up for lack of internet lol

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:48 pm
by Guest
well there is a possiblity that we could get a wireless connection to my house.

Im about a mile away as the crow flys. im certain from the top of the house you could see the scout hut, however we would have to make do with my lower down bedroom window which does not have direct line of sight. so with some directional antenna it may well be possible to get a connection.

i could probrably investigate wheather this could happen over next week. dont know about the legality of it however.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:50 pm
by TheShortOne
damn and blast my not logging in :D

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:24 pm
by CyberDrac
I'll pass that information on to KF, maybe we can do something with it, but finding a pair of directional antennae for a weekend might prove sticky, and we tend to be busy enough setting up the LAN and I suspect that this would be a mammoth task, or at least a hippo one.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:33 pm
by BlackVelvet
amitk wrote:Hello... will there be internet access at the event or will there a hotspot in range of the venue? i dont think i could stand being 2 days without the interweb!!!
lol id be the same except the reason im online apart from playing is msn mainly and the people i mainly talk to are gonna be with us anyway :P

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:32 pm
by TheShortOne
CyberDrac wrote:I'll pass that information on to KF, maybe we can do something with it, but finding a pair of directional antennae for a weekend might prove sticky, and we tend to be busy enough setting up the LAN and I suspect that this would be a mammoth task, or at least a hippo one.

well like i said i will investigate befor the time comes.

ill build a couple of canntenas and see what i can get out of them range wise. maby strap one to a satalite dish to increase range if need be.

the main problem is going to be the placment of the houses if they are blocking the way from my window or not, cos theres no way to get a antenna on the roof without a huge amount of hastle.

so its going to be pritty close either way as to weather they are blocking the scout hut or not.

but if it does all work out dont worry your selfs about trying to set it up, since i live in walderslade and rob is only over in halling we can sort it out if/when the time comes no probs.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:05 pm
by Buzz
Line of Sight will be a GREAT big problem imo m8, I travel a lot around the UK, and in built up areas, even with a decent ant its near enough impossible to get a decent signal outside of 500m, however saying that, I was out in the countryside one day and kept getting the same signal over and over again for about 5 miles, turned out to be a farmhouse out in the wilderness all on its own lmao.
Nice idea, but I think we are all gonna be stuck without net access.
Damm can all you net junkies cope without a fix for a few days lmfao :twisted:

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:19 pm
by BlackVelvet
gah well ill have to try Buzz :(

tho with a few drinks im sure ill cope :D

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:25 pm
by TheShortOne
yes line of site defo will be the main problem.

however iv done a bit of looking out of my window and things look promising :D .


blue dot my house.

red dot scout hut / llamalan HQ.

now looking out of my window right now i can see pritty much all of what i think is peacock rise (bit hard to tell in dark) but if it is. then that lines up nicely with the scout hut.

i can also see a street light a long way in the distance, which very much looks like its in the area of or possibly on mafeking road