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IXL Online Gamer Server

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:48 pm
by IXL
Not wishing to take anything away from the OLSC, NESW or TE servers, but I'd like to let you know that I've sorted an online server of our own. Your all more than welcome to hop on for a few gg's if you want somewhere sensible to play other than the usual servers if they are full.
  • Currently is CS : S (We will be getting a DoD Server as well soon)
  • 32 Slot (although we may actually reduce it to avoid mass players)
  • A very, very sweet server tbh with average pings are around 20-25.
It is still early days mind, so its just a standard server atm. Sourcemod (or simular) will be installed in due course, being tweaked day by day.

Anyway, here is the NEW ip if your interested and want to add it to your favs: