The technology behind this is just plain scary and gives BT the ability to intercept EVERY piece of data leaving your computer and going to the internet. BT has just launced it's Third trial (the first two carried out in secret in 2006 and 2007). You may get an email or a web page pop up asking you to take part. I would recommend that no one take part in this trial and that anyone asked to do so by BT just up and leave the company ( for details of other service providers).If anyone uses BT Broadband you may get an email asking you to join BT Web Wise.
Please make sure you DON’T do this. The system is being fronted as a security tool, but in actuality monitors ALL of your internet usage and uses it to target you with advertising. This includes but is not limited to all websites you view, any details you enter into websites (including passwords, bank details etc) messages sent via instant messaging clients such as MSN and your personal emails.
The system is currently under investigation by the European courts and the Information Commissioners Office for breaches of the data protection act and wiretapping laws.
Please forward this email on to anyone you know who uses BT Broadband and feel free to sign the downing street petition against Phorm (the company behind Web Wise) here:
I hope Jason doesn't mind me posting this in here, but I think the users or RailUK deserve to be informed. If it causes any problems, please feel free to move/delete it.