Ubisoft drop always on DRM

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Ubisoft drop always on DRM

Post by Kanonfodda »

I thought this was worth posting on here, as it made me very happy :)

http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/09 ... interview/

Basically, Ubisoft have dropped always on DRM from upcoming titles and it looks like it is also being removed from older titles as well :)

all we need now is for EA to start providing dedicated server software for us to use at LANs and I shall be happy :)
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Re: Ubisoft drop always on DRM

Post by Golem »

RPS: That’s excellent news. So do you have any regrets about the always-on DRM that you had been using?

Perotti: We’ve listened to feedback, we will continue to listen to feedback, we will continue to make sure that we deliver great games and great services, and are now operating under this policy.
Bloomin eck why can't people just admit when they've got it wrong, when it's so clear to everyone else? You do your self image a lot of favours if you just say "yes, it was a steaming pile, and it's gone because it was a steaming pile, sorry about that everyone!"

Yet I'm seeing the word 'unfortunate' an awful lot in their comments!

They hardly break from the established line do they: we listen to feedback, we have policies, data is secret and it all depends platform to platform, game to game, region to region, so the answer to your question is there is no answer... :D at least rps.com tried ;)

Nice link sir!
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Re: Ubisoft drop always on DRM

Post by Zodiack »

It's a step in a good direction at least! :D
Wish everyone with shit like that would sort it out, it's such a put off for so many games. :|

Here's hoping!
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