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LlamaLAN 18 - Far Cry 1v1 Tournament Opens

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:57 pm
by CyberDrac
Llamas, the time has come to prove your worth to your team, there will be many chances as part of the team games for shared glory ... but only one where you can raise yourself to the the exalted state of a Llama Fragging Deity! But what is personal gain in the face of saving the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!

At 7PM tonight the signups will open for the LlamaLAN 18 Far Cry 1v1 Tournament. As with previous tournaments there is that chance for personal glory, but remember that every victory will bring as much joy to your teammates and Team Captain as it will for you! There are four slots per team, so get them while they're hot!

All that we ask is that you have a working, tested version of Far Cry installed and ready to go on your machine and that you are willing to throw every fibre of your being into the fight for yourself ... for your teammates ... FOR YOUR UNIVERSE (which you helped break)!

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