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The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:29 pm
by DrFesty
Dear Ladies and Gentlellamas,

It is my immense pleasure to be presenting to you the community tournament for this almost imminent LlamaLAN 2142. It is a little late considering reasons including work and my copy of Windows almost going rogue on me.

But without further ado, I am pleased to announce:


(I am either hearing a collective cheer or the collective sound of a groan akin to that of a dying whale)
It's the game that we're either very bad at or very bad at. Objective evidence that the more fine motor control you give someone in a game, the worse the outcome will be. Nevermind not having had the chance to practice-- Come along and have a go! These things are greatest when you wing them!

Depending on how things go, the stage we play may be subject to change. Here is a quick summary of the rules, which can be discussed in more detail on the night:

1. Every man or woman for themselves.
2. You will have two attempts. Patient death or a restart counts as a spent attempt.
3. Your aim is to complete the surgery in the quickest time (humanly) possible. Extra cheers/whoops for creativity, e.g. breaking the cranium with a fire extinguisher without killing the victim-- I mean, patient.
4. You will be competing for the top 3 places. If anyone is tied, the amount of blood the patient has left at the end of the procedure will be the decider.

But wait, there's more! There are... PRIZES!:
GUNMETAL LLAMALAN LOGO KEYRING (1st, 2nd and 3rd place):


These are the fruits of a craft project I have been working on a little while. The photos don't really do them justice, however you will be able to have a closer look on Friday :) What you see here are prototypes, something I may continue to make in the future depending on success and reception. But for now, they are prizes. Sweet, sweet prizes.

By the looks of things we will be aiming for people to complete their times on Saturday afternoon, between tournaments. Winners will (if everyone takes their turn) be announced, hopefully, on Saturday evening.

Sound good? Looks like your kind of thing? The most important thing is that you have fun! Let me know if you would like to take part, either on Facebook, on this thread, or come and find me at the LAN :)

Finally, many thanks to the admins who have let me go ahead with this community tournament! See you all soon! :mrgreen:

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:58 am
by Golem
Many thanks to Dr. Festy for running a well organised, successful community tourny - the prizes were unique and pretty epic (I heard from one other unnamed llama that he is 'in love' with his icon!) The projected, often disasterous surgeries went down a treat just before the pizza half hour :lol:

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:03 pm
by tenwierdufos
Golem wrote:Many thanks to Dr. Festy for running a well organised, successful community tourny - the prizes were unique and pretty epic (I heard from one other unnamed llama that he is 'in love' with his icon!) The projected, often disasterous surgeries went down a treat just before the pizza half hour :lol:


Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:41 am
by jobabob
I enjoyed it up until the fact I did my best ever run, A class brain surgery with only 500ml of blood loss in just over a minute.

Someone else did it in 40 seconds WTF

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:31 pm
by Golem
One word: Hammertime.

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:52 pm
by Bobtastimo
jobabob wrote:I enjoyed it up until the fact I did my best ever run, A class brain surgery with only 500ml of blood loss in just over a minute.
Someone else did it in 40 seconds WTF
If you think you were upset how about this:

I did my best time ever (35 seconds) literally just before sitting down on Denise's machine to do my run, and I got 1 minute 13 seconds for my tournament time... :(


*Super sad face*


Still fun though

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:05 am
by tenwierdufos
How did you do that?!

Re: The LlamaLAN 2142 Community Tournament!

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:38 pm
by Bobtastimo
Epic circular saw skills :P